If you’re looking for fresh ideas


I found a photo app, Prisma, for the iphone that takes a photo and reworks it in various art styles. It’s given me some ideas about trying different color harmonies and line quality. Here’s some examples using the same photo: I also found this interesting blog post that I wanted to share with you, “Painting Fundamentals for… Continue reading If you’re looking for fresh ideas

The Sale

I received this blog posting that talks about why people may hesitate to buy and interaction with your viewers. Check out the posting about the sale.

Painting Design

This is a link sent out by one of our members. It’s a short video by Matt Smith illustrating how to divide and organize areas on your canvas at the beginning of a painting. Matt Smith Video

Know Your Worth

Have you ever had the experience of telling someone you’re an artist and all you receive is silence. And you just know that he or she is thinking, ‘Oh, you mean you don’t want to get a real job. This article talks about embracing your artist self, and I particularly like the last paragraph. Know… Continue reading Know Your Worth

Reasons Why Plein Air Paintings Fail

This was sent to me and I thought some of you might like to see what one artist views as the top ten reasons why paintings fail. Just click on the link. https://kathleendunphy.com/blog/83755/plein-errors-the-top-ten-reasons-plein-air-paintings-fail

Marketing Our Art Meeting Very Enlightening

Coraly, Suzanne, Judy, Michele and Maggie each did a presentation on marketing art and discussed it from various avenues: online, through your website, at Open Studio events, or at plein air events/competitions.  It was extremely informative and stimulating and especially helpful because each artist bought their own personal experiences to the fore.  Thank you, Coraly… Continue reading Marketing Our Art Meeting Very Enlightening